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Our Services

If your life is out of control and nothing seems to help,

(516-741-0994 or 1-800-317-1173)


Our licensed, Christian counselors provide counseling for:

Teens and Pre-Teens

Parenting Issues


Individual Adults




All counseling is provided on a sliding fee scale based on your income.

Call us for details

Individual Counseling

Counseling for individuals includes issues such as:

  • Emotional struggles such as shame, self-esteem, guilt, depression, anger, internal conflict and anxiety

  • Relationship problems including that of couples, parent/child difficulties, employer/employee, or other family members or friends.

  • Grief and Loss including the death of someone close to you, the loss of a job, or the loss of a marriage or other key relationship

  • Trauma and PTSD resulting from having been involved in a serious accident, a victim of abuse, engagement in military service, or experiences from a personal or natural disaster.

  • Adjustment to Changes, including stressful changes in your life or chronic illnesses such as fibromyalgia, IBS, Lupus, chronic fatigue syndrome, or cancer.

Therapy session


Family Counseling

Family counseling may help to promote better relationships and understanding within a family. It may be incident specific, as for example family counseling during a divorce, or a child experiencing trauma.


Alternately family counseling may address the needs of the family when one family member suffers from a mental or physical illness that alters his or her behavior or habits in negative ways.

The therapist often helps the family reflect on better ways of communicating with each other and because of that family counseling may in part be instruction and encouragement. In fact, family counseling often teaches family members new and more positive ways to communicate to replace old, negative communication patterns.



Pre-Teen & Teen Therapy

Our counselors use Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and other modalities in counseling sessions with teens and pre-teens.

Common issues we help with are:​​​

  • Past or recent trauma(s)

  • Adjustment to separation or divorce of parents

  • Habits of self harm such as ‘cutting’

  • Grief or loss of family member or friend

  • Depression

  • Anxiety

  • Behavioral issues

  • School performance anxiety or change

  • Anxiety about attending school

  • Peer issues including bullying victimization

  • Low self esteem




Science Courses


Children’s Therapy

Starting at age 3 and extending through early grade school, children are able to express their emotions and the issues that are upsetting them through the use of play therapy. Our children’s therapists work with parents as well to ensure that they are able to help their child at home. Common issues we help with are trauma, transitions, adjustment to separation or divorce of parents, school and grade anxieties, kids with ADD and ADHD; Asperger’s Syndrome and other behavioral issues.



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