Three Types of Couples Counseling

Enhancing Healthy Relationships and Healing those that are Faltering

Preparing For Marriage

  1. Prepare for a lifetime of unity and love together by assessing your strengths and growth areas as a couple:

  • Communication
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Finances
  • Spiritual Beliefs and Practices
  • Appreciating Each Other
  • Affection & Sexuality
  • Children & Parenting
  • And More…
  • Important things to talk about before we say “I do”
  • Creating a relationship vision
  • Being a “team” and solving problems together

  • Pre-Marital counseling is usually 3 – 5  sessions with a relationship counselor.

At first we’re relatively innocent…..

It's no secret. Our clients say good things about us!

Enhancing Established Relationships

Maintenance is Essential

  • Improving communication
  • Listening to each other
  • Increasing understanding & compassion
  • Avoiding criticism, blame, defensiveness, contempt & withdrawal
  • Appreciating and enjoying each other
  • Supporting each other’s goals and dreams
  • Apologizing and forgiving each other
  • Being a “team” and solving problems together
  • Creating a relationship vision


Discernment Counseling

  • Divorce is often an attempt to solve a problem that people think can’t be solved in any other way

  • When you as a couple are going through troubled times in your relationship, it can be very difficult for you to make the important life –changing decision about the future

  • What’s in your best interest?  There may also be children involved

  • The goal of discernment counseling is to help you as a couple gain clarity and confidence in deciding whether to try to preserve your marriage and make it better, or to take another path, such as a separation or divorce

When Troubles Disrupt

Restoring health to a troubled marriage is usually possible when both partners work together with an experienced counselor.
